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South American Weather and Crop Update (5-2-23)

Once again, Argentina is dry while Brazil continues to see fairly favorable weather. While this may not be new news, at least Brazil has been able to mostly wrap up harvest by now. Allendale commodity broker Greg McBride provided an update on the latest weather conditions in South America...

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Latin America Political and Electoral Outlook 2023 

2023 will be complex and challenging for Latin America. The region will face an unfavourable international context in which it is expected, according to the IMF, that there will be a simultaneous slowdown of the three leading economies (United States, China, and the European Union), whose...

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With a Resurgent Left, What’s Next for South America?

It may not be a return of the “Pink Tide” of leftist governments that swept into power across South America in the early 2000s—and were largely swept out again amid a conservative backlash in the mid-2010s. But the region’s left has been showing signs of a revival. In Argentina’s October...

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