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Biden is Losing His Grip Over South America – and Its Oil

On October 18, the Biden administration unveiled the landmark Barbados agreement signed in conjunction with the Venezuelan government and opposition. The agreement authorises six-month licenses for oil and gas transactions, dealings with Venezuela’s state-run gold mining firm, Minerven...

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January Forecast Favorable for South America

The weather so far in Brazil has been anything but normal in most areas. Across the central and north, it has been awfully hot and dry compared to normal. Even the wetter conditions of late have been average at best. For southern Brazil, it has been too wet, causing flooding and...

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Freud Exhibition Delves Into a Dramatic Legacy in Latin America

The famously Freudian Dr Frasier Crane may have brought psychoanalysis over the airwaves to the masses in the seminal 1990s comedy in which he constantly spars with his Jungian brother, Niles. But half a century before him, a real-life Brazilian Frasier was doing much the same. Sigmund...

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