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Bolivian Wildfires, El Niño Impact South American PV Irradiance

Moisture from El Niño, high pressure and the Andes all played a role in irradiance patterns across South America in November, but smoke from the wildfires in Bolivia is present clearly in the irradiance anomaly for the month, according to analysis conducted using data from the Solcast API...

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Venezuela-guyana Crisis: South America Urges Peace

Countries in South America called for a peaceful solution to the border dispute between Guyana and Venezuela as tensions simmered in the region.  Venezuela held a referendum on Sunday where voters backed the annexation of Essequibo, an oil-rich region controlled by Guyana that...

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The Best Places to Go in Central & South America in 2024

For a region so marked by its ancient cultures—the Mayans, the Olmecs, the Aztecs, the Incas, the Moche, the Wari, spanning 5,000 years of human history—it’s a real shift of perspective to look at a map, considering places to go in Central and South America, tilt your head, and ask:...

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