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Layout A (with pagination)

Is South America a New Persian Gulf?

When the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, now British Petroleum, discovered Iranian oil in 1908, a century of petroleum energy primacy followed. The same is rapidly becoming true for minerals like lithium, copper, cobalt, nickel, and rare earth elements (critical minerals) necessary for...

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South America’s Scorching Spring Has Arrived

In the Hot Seat When wildfires and record-breaking heat rocked the United States and Europe in recent months, it was still winter in the Southern Hemisphere. No matter: Parts of Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, and Paraguay still clocked temperatures of over 100 degrees Fahrenheit in...

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The Price of War?

Brussels (3/12) Governments may be doing great while the people suffer. Bombing of the Nordstream 2 pipeline, carrying cheap Russian natural gas to industry and consumers in Europe, is exerting a cascading effect on companies and employment, eventually to be reflected in rising places and...

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