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Layout A (with pagination)

A wild ride to South America’s northern tip

Small bandits have strung a chain across the track, bringing our Land Cruiser to a halt. They wait to one side, three wild-haired and pint-sized girls. They are Wayúu, indigenous to the northern reaches of Colombia and Venezuela, and brave. I’m a tourist, but this track to Punta Gallinas...

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Seeking the origin of Indigenous languages in South America

A new study indicates that one of the largest of the Indigenous language families in Latin America originated in the sixth century BCE in the basin of the Rio Tapajós and Rio Xingu, near the present-day city of Santarém in the Brazilian state of Pará. There are around fifty languages in...

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Box rates to Gulf and S America rise as Asia-Europe/US prices falter

Container freight rates from China to ’emerging countries’ in the Middle East and South America have been rising, while those on the Asia-Europe and transpacific tradelanes weaken. According to Container xChange’s latest report, as economies in the US and Europe come under pressure these...

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